V/A+ 을/ㄹ 거라고 해요(했어요).

방금 전화가 왔는데 친구들이 곧 우리 집에 도착할 거라고 했어요. 음식 준비는 다 됐어요?
I just receive a phone call and my friends said they would soon arrive at my house. Is the food ready?
이제 잡채만 만들면 돼요. 서연 씨가 좀 도와주세요. 저기 있는 채소를 좀 가늘게 썰어 주세요.
It will be all done if I make japchae, stir-fried sweet potato noodles with vegetables and meat. Ms. Seoyon, please help me. Please slice the vegetables thin over there.
저는 칼질을 잘 못하는데 다른 것을 할게요.
I am not good at using a knife, so let me do other things.
그럼 서연 씨는 당면을 삶으세요.
Then, Ms. Seoyon, please boil the sweet potato noodles.
물은 얼마나 넣어야 해요? 그리고 몇 분 동안 삶아야 해요?
How much water do I have to put in? And for how many minutes do I have to boil it?
그냥 제가 할게요. 서연 씨는 이따가 설거지나 하세요.
I will just do it. Ms. Seoyon, please just wash the dishes later on.

V/A+ 을/ㄹ 거라고 해요(했어요).
It is an expression of indirect speech for ‘V/A+ 을/ㄹ 겁니다.‘, and ’V/A+ 을/ㄹ 거야.‘ in a declarative sentence. The short form is ‘V/A+ 을/ㄹ 거래요.’.

제 동생은 다이어트를 하기 위해서 내일부터 저녁은 안 먹을 거라고 해요.
My younger sibling said he/she would not eat dinner from tomorrow to lose weight.

제 친구는 다음 주에 고향에 돌아갈 거라고 했어요.
My friend told me that he/she would go back to his/her hometown next week.

일기 예보에서 내일은 추울 거라고 했어요.
The weather forecasting said it would be cold tomorrow.

See also  V+ 은/ㄴ 지 N 됐어요. Indicate how much time has passed since someone has done something

Related words
되다 to be done
잡채 stir-fried sweet potato noodles with vegetables and meat
가늘다 to be thin
썰다 to slice, to cut
칼질 using a knife
당면 potato noodles
삶다 to boil

Source: Yonsei University. Korean Language Institute

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