어떻게(어디에서, 언제, 어느 N이/가…) V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지 몰라요.
어떻게(어디에서, 언제, 어느 N이/가…) V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지 몰라요. It is a combined form of an interrogative sentence with ‘모르다’. It is used to indicate that a subject doesn’t know certain information...
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어떻게(어디에서, 언제, 어느 N이/가…) V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지 몰라요. It is a combined form of an interrogative sentence with ‘모르다’. It is used to indicate that a subject doesn’t know certain information...
무슨 N이/가(어떻게, 왜, 누가…) V/A+ 는지/은지/ㄴ지 알아요? It is used to ask whether someone knows or doesn’t know about certain information or facts. It is usually used in an interrogative...
N이나/나² It is used to choose the one that is easy to choose though it is not the best choice among many. When it ends in a particle-like ‘을/를’ or...
V+ 을/ㄹ 건데 V+ 을래/ㄹ래? It is used to ask the listener’s intention in an informal speech form by assuming the speaker’s intention or willingness to do an action in...
N뿐만 아니라 It is used to add other things to the preceding noun. 우리 엄마는 한식뿐만 아니라 양식도 잘 만들어요. My mom is good at making not only Korean but...
N을/를 가지고 가다/오다 It is used to indicate moving to another location while carrying things with oneself. 먼 곳으로 여행을 갈 때 비상약을 가지고 가세요. Please take first-aid medicine with...
V+ 으니까/니까 It is used to indicate a realization of the fact in the latter clause after the event in the preceding clause takes place. 엄마가 되니까 엄마 마음을 이해할...
V/A+ 을/ㄹ 때마다 It is used to express that action(s) in the latter clause is always done under the condition of the preceding clause without exception. 저는 사진을 찍을 때마다...
V/A+ 었/았/였으면 좋겠어요. It is used to express the speaker’s wishes. 빨리 어른이 됐으면 좋겠어요. I wish I could become a grown-up soon. 요즘 가뭄이 심해서 걱정이에요. 빨리 비가 왔으면...
N마다¹ It comes after a word referring to a time period. It is used to express something that is repeated regularly by the time-frequency. 30분마다 공항에 가는 버스가 와요. There...
N마다² It means each and every single one of them. 사람마다 생각이 다 달라요. Everyone has different thoughts. 오늘 쉬는 날이어서 가는 곳마다 사람이 많아요. Today is a holiday. So...
V+ (으)려고 하는데 It is used to indicate the intention or plan related to the latter clause. 까만색 구두를 신으려고 하는데 이 원피스에 어울려요? I am planning to wear black...
V+ 는 게 좋겠어요. It is used to tell the listener that it would be better to do a certain action. 감기가 더 심해지기 전에 병원에 가서 진료를 받는 게...
V+ 는 게 어때요? It is used to gently suggest or persuade the listener to do a certain action 여보, 오늘 저녁은 밖에서 먹는 게 어때요? Honey, how about going...
V+ 을래/ㄹ래? It is used to ask the listener’s intention in an informal speech form. It is mostly used in very close relationships. 우리 여기에서 같이 사진 찍을래? Shall we...
V+ 을래/ㄹ래. It is used to express the speaker’s intention in an informal speech form. It is mostly used in very close relationships. 당장 오늘부터 야식을 그만 먹을래. I will...
V/A+ 겠다. It is used to express what the speaker immediately guesses in an informal speech form. 배불러서 나는 더 못 먹겠다. I can’t eat anymore because I am full....
V/A+ 는구나/구나. It is the informal speech form for ‘V/A+ 는군요/군요.’. Use ‘-는구나’ after an action verb stem, and use ‘-구나’ after a descriptive verb stem. Use ‘이구나/구나’ after a...
A+ 다. It is the informal speech form for ‘A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다.’ in a declarative sentence. It is used to express immediately what you feel on the spot. 이 향수 냄새가...
V+ 지 마. It is the informal speech form for ‘V+ 지 마세요.’ in an imperative sentence. 거기는 다른 사람이 맡은 자리니까 앉지 마. Don’t sit there because somebody else...