N께서 주시다 is used instead of ‘이/가 주다’ for honorific of subject.
N께서 주시다 ‘께서 주시다.’ is used instead of ‘이/가 주다’ for honorific of subject. 부모님께서 저에게 용돈을 주십니다. My parents gave me some pocket money. 사장님께서 직원들에게 선물을 주셨어요. The...
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N께서 주시다 ‘께서 주시다.’ is used instead of ‘이/가 주다’ for honorific of subject. 부모님께서 저에게 용돈을 주십니다. My parents gave me some pocket money. 사장님께서 직원들에게 선물을 주셨어요. The...
N에서³ It is used with nouns except people or animals to indicate the source of a certain action. 사무실에서 이메일이 왔습니다. There is an e-mail from the office. 어제 회사에서...
N에게서 It is attached to a noun for people or animals to show the beginning point of an action. ‘에게’ is a short form for ‘에게서’ and ‘한테서(한테)’ can be...
N께 It is used instead of ‘에게서’ for honorific. 크리스마스 때 할머니께 선물을 받았어요. My grandmother gave me a present for Christmas. 저는 선생님께 자주 칭찬을 듣습니다. I often hear...
N에게 It is attached to a noun for people or animals to show that the noun is the object of the action. Use ‘에’ for things. 오빠에게 선물을 주고 싶습니다....
N께¹ 드리다 ‘께’ is attached to a noun for honorific instead of ‘에게’, and change ‘주다’ into ‘드리다’. To make proper honorific, use ‘인사를 드리다’ instead of ‘인사를 하다 (say...
V+ 으시겠어요/시겠어요? It is used to ask the will or intention of the listener for the future with respect. When the verb stem ends in a vowel, use ‘-시겠어요’, and...
제가 V+ 겠습니다. It is used to indicate the will or intention of the speaker for the future. 제가 음식을 만들겠습니다. I will cook. 제가 잠시 후에 다시 전화하겠습니다. I...
N와/과², N하고², N이랑/랑² It is used to denote with whom the subject of the sentence is doing something. 크리스마스에는 가족들과 파티를 해요. I have a party with my family on...
V/A+ 었/았/였어요. It is used to indicate that the condition has already occurred. When the verb stem ends in a ‘-하다’, use ‘-였어요’, and when the verb stem ends in...
V+ 으십시오/십시오. It is used to command or suggest something to the listener with respect. ‘V+ 으세요/세요’ is an unformal expression. ‘V+ 지 마십시오.’ is negation form. 여기에 앉으십시오. Please...
N께서 V/A+ 으십니까/십니까? It is the interrogative form with respect to the subject of the sentence. 아버지께서 무슨 책을 읽으십니까? What kind of book does your father read? 사장님께서 언제...
N께서 V/A+ 으십니다/십니다. ‘-으십니다/십니다’ is the honorific suffix for the subject of the sentence. ‘이십니다’ is used after the noun. ‘께서’ is attached to express respect for the subject. ‘으십니다/십니다’...
V/A+ 으십니까/십니까? It is used to formally ask something of the listener with respect. When the noun comes, use ‘이십니까’. ‘-으십니까/십니까’ is a formal expression of ‘-으세요/세요’, and ‘이십니까’ is...
V/A+ 지 않습니다. It is the negation of ‘V/A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다’. 저는 거짓말을 하지 않습니다. I don’t tell a lie. 점원이 친절하지 않습니다. 다른 가게에 갑시다. The clerk isn’t friendly. Let’s...
V/A+ 습니까/ㅂ니까? It is the interrogative form of ‘V/A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다’. 우빈 씨는 동생이 있습니까? Mr. Woobin, do you have a younger brother/sister? 보통 몇 시에 잡니까? What time do you...
V/A+ 습니다/ㅂ니다. It is the formal expression of ‘V/A+ 어요/아요/여요’. When the verb stem ends in a vowel, use ‘-ㅂ니다’, and when the verb stem ends in a consonant, use...
N이/가 아닙니다. It is the formal expression of ‘N이/가 아니에요’. 이것은 감기약이 아닙니다. It isn’t a cold remedy. 여기는 열람실이 아닙니다. This isn’t a reading room. 그 사람은 제 친구가...
N입니다. It is the formal expression of ‘N이에요/예요’. 저는 열아홉 살입니다. I am nineteen years old. 손님, 이게 신상품입니다. Sir, this is a brand-new product. 우리 형은 변호사입니다. My elder...
N입니까? It is the interrogative form of ‘N입니다’. 생일이 언제입니까? When is your birthday? 유양 씨 전화번호가 몇 번입니까? What is Ms. Yooyang’s phone number? 이것이 서연 씨 공책입니까? Is...