N께서 주시다 is used instead of ‘이/가 주다’ for honorific of subject.


N께서 주시다

‘께서 주시다.’ is used instead of ‘이/가 주다’ for honorific of subject.
부모님께서 저에게 용돈을 주십니다.
My parents gave me some pocket money.
사장님께서 직원들에게 선물을 주셨어요.
The company president gave some presents to employees.
한국에서는 설날에 할아버지나 할머니께서 손주들에게 세뱃돈을 주세요.
In Korea, a grandfather or grandmother gives New Year’s money to his or her grandchildren on New Year’s Day.
만년필을 쓰세요?
Do you use a fountain pen?
저도 처음 써요.
This is my first time using it.
선물 받았어요?
Did you receive it as a gift?
네, 아버지께서 주셨어요. 대학교 졸업 선물이에요.
Yes, my father gave it to me. It is a gift for my college graduation.
Related words
쓰다 to use
처음 first time
졸업 graduation
부모님 parents
용돈 pocket money
설날 New Year’s Day
손주 a grandchild

세뱃돈 New Year’s cash gift

See also  V+ 고 있다¹ Indicate that a certain action is progressive and ongoing.


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