[KIIP level 5] Lesson 13: 한국의 전통 의식주 Korean traditional food, clothing, and shelter

<Page 63> SECTION 1: 한국 사람들은 무엇을 먹을까?


차리다: to set, to prepare
-아/어 놓다: Click here
숟가락: spoon
젓가락: chopsticks
영양소: nutrient; nutriment
고루: all of, evenly; equally
섭취하다: intake; ingest
유지하다: to keep, to maintain
주식: staple
재료: material; ingredient
짓다: to make
채소: vegetable
상: table
전골: A Korean hot pot, food made by putting meat, mushroom, seafood, seasoning, etc., in a stew pot, adding broth, and boiling it.
국물: soup
채소: vegetable
나물: Seasoned vegetables: A variety of Korean side dishes made by seasoning boiled, fried or uncooked edible grass, leaves, vegetables, etc.
흔히: often; commonly; usually
양: quantity; amount
김치를 담그다: to make kimchi
저장하다: to store
-아/어 두다: Click here
발효음식: fermented food
장류: primates
멸치젓: Salted anchovies, a side dish, made by salting and fermenting anchovies.
젓갈류: salted fish

알아두기: 한국인이 즐겨 먹는 떡


즐겨: enjoy
주재료: the main ingredient
제사: ancestral rite
로 여겨지다: be regarded as


Section 2: 한옥과 한복은 어떤 특징이 있을까?

막다: to prevent, to keep

지은 -> 짓다: to make
햇볕: sunshine; sunlight
도록: Click here
바라보다: to look; to stare; to gaze
남향집: a house facing south
선호하다: to prefer.
대청마루: Main wood-floored room in Hanok >>> Click here
흔히: often; commonly; usually
뚜렷하다: clear
맞추다: to meet; to adapt; to adjust
고유: uniqueness
난방: heating
장치: device; apparatus; equipment; solution; measure
더위: heat
피하다: to avoid
지붕: roof
기와집: tile-roofed house: a house of which the roof is covered with wide and flat objects that are made from materials such as clay, cement, metal, etc.
초가집: straw-thatched house: a house that has a roof covered with bundles of straws, reeds, etc.
추수하다: harvest; reap
볏짚: rice straw
얹다: to place; to lay
서민: ordinary person; folk
흙: soil
굽다: to bake; to roast; to grill; to burn; to make
구운 기와: Baked tile
양반: nobility >> the social class that ruled Korea in the past.
전해지다: to be told, to be conveyed
저고리: A traditional Korean upper garment.
외출하다: to go out
두루마기: A traditional Korean male overcoat usually worn, when a man goes out.
장옷: a kind of long hood formerly worn by Korean women
넉넉하다: enough; sufficient; ample; plenty
버선: A piece of clothing to wear on one’s feet like socks, which is shaped like feet with fabric and mainly worn with hanbok, traditional Korean clothes.
삼베: hemp cloth
모시: ramie fabric
솜: cotton
일상: everyday life; routines
비추다: to compare/ to shine; illuminate; light up
다소: more or less, somewhat
번거롭다: inconvenient; cumbersome; annoying
개량하다: to improve; to enhance
꾸준하다: steady; constant; unflagging
인기를 끌다: to be popular

더 배우기: 현재까지 남아있는 한옥마을


꼽다: to count, to choose, to point out
하룻밤 : one night; single night
구석구석: everywhere
한껏: to the fullest extent; to one’s heart’s content
그대로: as it is; as it stands; like that
복원하다: to restore; to reconstruct
살펴보다: to examine; to check

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