N마다¹ Express something that is repeated regularly by the time frequency


It comes after a word referring to a time period. It is used to express something that is repeated regularly by the time-frequency.
30분마다 공항에 가는 버스가 와요.
There is a bus that goes to the airport every 30 minutes.
주말마다 가까운 곳으로 여행을 가요.
I travel to nearby places every weekend.
우리나라에서는 5년마다 인구 조사를 해요.
In our country, there is a census every five years.
요즘 화제가 되고 있는 그 소설 알아요?
Do you know the novel that is making headlines these days?
인터넷에 연재되고 있는 소설이요?
Do you mean the serialized novel on the Internet?
우빈 씨도 아는군요.
Mr. Woobin, you also know it.
네, 그런데 다음 이야기는 언제 올라와요?
Yes. Then, when will the next episode be released?
매주 월요일마다 새 이야기가 올라와요. 우빈 씨도 읽어 보려고요?
New episodes are released every Monday. Mr. Woobin, do you also want to read it?
네, 이제부터 저도 읽어 보려고요.
Yes, I am going to read it from now on.
Related words
화제 a headline
소설 a novel
인터넷 Internet
연재되다 to be serialized
이야기 an episode, a story
올라오다 to be released, to be posted
월요일 Monday
우리나라 our country
인구 조사 a census


See also  N입니다. The formal expression of 'N이에요/예요'.

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