[Korean grammar] V-(으)ㅂ시다 Asking Opinions and Making Suggestions

한식을 먹읍시다.
Let’s eat Korean food.

버스를 타지 마요. 지하철을 탑시다.
Let’s not take the bus. Let’s take the subway.

영화를 보지 맙시다.
Let’s not see a movie.

Grammar Focus:
-(으)ㅂ시다 is used to suggest or propose doing something with the listener and corresponds to ‘Let’s’ or ‘Shall we’ in English. The same meaning can also be expressed by -아/어요. When the stem ends in a vowel, -ㅂ시다 is used, and when it ends in a consonant, -읍시다 is used. When suggesting not to do something, however, either 지 맙시다 or -지 마요 is used.

A: 언제 출발할까요? When shall we depart?
B: 10분 후에 출발합시다. Let’s leave in 10 minutes.

A: 주말에 클럽에 갈까요? Shall we go to a club on the weekend?
B: 월요일에 시힘이 있으니까 클럽에 가지 맙시다. 같이 공부합시다.
We have a test on Monday, so let’s not go to a club. Let’s study together

A: 오늘 등산 갈까요? Why don’t we go hiking today?
B: 어제 비가 와서 미끄러워요. 다음 주에 가요.
It rained yesterday, so the ground is slippery. Let’s go next week.

-(으)ㅂ시다 can be used in formal situations in which the speaker is suggesting or inviting a group of people to do something or when the listener is younger or of lower status than the speaker. It cannot be used toward someone older or of higher status than the speaker. In such cases, 같이 -(으)세요 is appropriate.
1. When suggesting or inviting a group of people to do something.
• 여러분. 우리 모두 공부 열심히 합시다. Everyone, let’s all study hard.
• 점심시간입니다. 모두들 점심 식사합시다. It’s lunchtime. Let’s all have lunch.

See also  [Korean grammar] V-(으)ㄹ게요 Intentions and Plans

2. When the listener is younger or of a similar age or status as the speaker.
• 사장님 : 토요일에 같이 점심 식사합시다.
Company Director: Let’s have lunch together on Saturday.
• 사원: 네. 좋습니다.
Employee: Okay, that sounds good.

• 재준 : 요코 씨, 주말에 같이 등산 갑시다. 
Jae-jun: Yoko, let’s go hiking over the weekend.
• 요코: 그래요, 재준 씨. Yoko: Sure, Jaejun.

3. When the listener is older or of a higher status than the speaker.
• 선생님, 노래방에 같이 갑시다. (x)
-> 선생님, 노래방에 같이 가세요. (O)
Teacher, please go sing karaoke together with us.
• 교수님, 저희와 같이 점심 먹읍시다. (X)
->교수님. 저희와 같이 점심 드세요. (O)
Professor, please have lunch together with us.

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