[KIIP level 5] Lesson 6: 한국의 복지체계 Korea’s welfare system

<Page 35> SECTION 1: 한국의 사회복지제도에는 어떤 것들이 있을까?

•최소한: at least, at the (very) least, being the least
•닌간다운 삶: a decent human life
•누리다: to enjoy
•마련하다: to prepare; to arrange

•-아/어 두다:  https://sayhikorean.blogspot.com/2018/09/korean-grammar-expressing-situational_46.html
•공공부조: public assistance/aid
•나누다: to divide; to split
•대비하다: to contrast; to prepare; to be ready
•상황: situation; condition
•겪다: to go through; to undergo
•건강보험: health insurance
•고용보험: employment insurance
•국민연금: national pension
•산업재해보상보험: industrial accident compensation insurance
•가지: kind (of), sort (of), variety (of)
•해고되다: to be fired; to be dismissed
•일정: being fixed; being regular
•금전적: financial, monetary
•보상받다: to be compensated
•지방자치단체: local autonomous entity
•정책: policy
•의료: medical care; medical service; medical treatment
•급여: wages
•소득: income; earning; profit; gain
•최저생계비: the minimum cost of living
•저소득층: low-income bracket, lower-income group
•어려움: difficulty, trouble
•실제적: practical
•전문적: professional
•청소년: teenager
•한부모가정복지: single-parent family welfare
•상담: consultation; counseling
•재활: getting one’s life back
•직업 훈련: vocational training

명칭: name; title; term of address
설립목적: purpose of establishment
노령: old age
질병: illness
부상: injury
으로써: (수단) with, by, by means of, through, using, (재료) with, of, out of
이바지하다: to contribute to; to make a contribution to; to conduce to
증진: enhancement; increase
근로자: worker
창업: founding
촉진: acceleration; quickening
업무상 재해를 입다: to suffer from job injury or illness.

<Page 36> SECTION 2: 외국인 대상 복지 서비스에는 무엇이 있을까?
•공공부조: public assistance/aid
•원칙적: sticking to a rule; sticking to principles
•적용되다: to be applied
•일정하다: constant, certain, regular; systematic; orderly
•해당하다: to correspond to; to be equivalent to; to be tantamount to
•혜택: benefit; advantage
•체류하다: to stay; to sojourn
•임신: pregnancy
•임신중: during pregnancy
•미성년: minority
•자녀: child
•최저생계비지원: minimum cost of living
•출산하다: to give birth
•앞두다: to have something ahead
•산모: woman after childbirth; mother
•학업: learning; studies

외국인의 한국 생활 적응에 도움을 주는 안내 센터는? 
우선 법무부에서 운영하고 있는 외국인종합안내센터 (1345)가 있다. 이곳은 외국인의 한국 생활 적응에 필요한 출입국 민원 상담과 관련 생활 정보 안내를 20개 언어로 온라인과 전화를 통

해 제공하는 민원안내 창구의역할을 한다.
또한 여성가족부에서는 결혼이민자 등에게 한국 생활 적응을 돕기 위해 13개 언어로 각종 생활 안내와 정보서비스를 제공하는 다누리콜센터 (1577-1366)를 운영하고 있다.
아울러 폭력피해여성을위한 이주여성긴급지원센터도 24 시간 운영하고 있다.

See also  [KIIP level 5] Lesson 8: 한국의 의료와 안전 생활 Health and safety in South of Korea

법무부: Ministry of Justice
운영하다: to manage; operate; run
여성가족부: Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
아울러: also; besides; both
이주여성긴급지원센터 : Migrant Women Emergency Support Center

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